About Us

Bharatiya Nagarika Entities a community services and networking platform with a focus on fostering connections, enhancing well-being, and empowering individuals. The platform aims to create a seamless and inclusive space for community engagement, support, and collaboration.

Core Committee

Pradeep Mendonca

Founder and Managing Director

Vishwanath Hegde

Co-Founder, Hon. Dir. CSR

Manjunath Jinka

Co-Founder, Hon. Dir. Water & Sanitation

Shinoj Narayana

Co-Founder, Hon. Dir. Youth Service

Executive Committee

Jayapal Reddy N

Hon. Dir. Service Projects

Nagabhushana Reddy

Hon. Dir. Internet Communication

Pallavi Chidambar

Hon. Dir. Literacy

Nachiket Jamadar

Hon. Dir. Community Service

Sunil Pinto

Hon. Dir. Vocational Service

Jenifar J Russell

Hon. Dir. Media and Communication

Dr. Sendil Kumaran

Hon. Dir. Disease Prevention

Remedia Nancy Pinto

Hon. Dir. Girl & Women Empowerment

Ramakrishna G

Hon. Dir. Healthcare

Navin Kawal

Hon. Dir. Health Curative

Sriram Ganga Reddy

Hon. Dir. Environment & Agriculture

Our Associates

B Sharath Babu
